About Us
Kevin Alli is a creative graphic designer based in Toronto. He possesses innovative ideas, provides beautiful work, and cares about your brand. Drawing inspiration from everything, every problem offers a creative solution.
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About Me

Hello there, my name is Kevin Alli. I am a graphic, print and web designer based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

I live and strive for the creation of new ideas, and I love taking on a challenge. Over the past decade I have worked with a variety of different clients of various business backgrounds. These experiences have helped me gain valuable experience in the field of marketing and advertising.

I am passionate not only about creating beautiful design but design that works and accomplishes its purpose. I am proficient in all areas of media and I am familiar with all the elements of design. Whether it is sketching, design, photography or video editing I am able to take on any task and have ample experience in a variety of settings. I am able to use ideas and visions to create effective and attractive graphic design for any business need. My intention is to inspire businesses to raise the bar on what they could represent visually and maximize business growth.

My portfolio is a great display of my talent and my style of graphic design. If you are interesting in working together, please contact me via my contact page or email me at kevin.alli@rogers.com.





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Clients I’ve Worked With